Friday Fashion Fail

I have never been one to follow any fashion rules.  I like what I like, I definitely hate what I hate (I’m looking at you stonewashed elasticated waist pants) and if I can’t find what I want, I make it.  I sometimes think back to the times when I was a kid where we used to fashion our finery from garbage bags or newspapers or curtains or op shops or the rag bag.  We would proudly parade them around for all to see after school and on weekends.  I recall once being sent back to my room to change on a high school camp excursion,,,,,I think it was Hobbytex’d denim shorts and a black shirt which was the offending outfit, I WAS considering going to University to do an arts degree, bloody stifling chumps.

Anyway, enough of that.  Yes, I will admit that I have a very questionable sense of fashion, however, I KNOW that these are all shades of wrong, I don’t care if they cost a fortune and are made by a name brand, they are dreadful, who the hell wants hairy sandals?  Hairy scratchy fucking high heeled thongs?!?  Friday Fashion Fail!

hairy sandals

If these don’t repulse you like they do me, too bad, they are SOLD OUT!  FFS  o.O

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R Day

It is quite a bizarre feeling when you are made redundant from a company you have worked for, for 20 years.  I have dreamt of the day they would pay me out so I could escape, yet I never made the choice to leave, so having it forced upon me was quite something.  I still don’t know how I feel about it to be honest.  Although I knew of the restructure, redundancies and cost cutting, never in a million years did I think it would be me?  Me, who has so many years of knowledge, me who could go to any office in any part of the business Australia wide and slot straight in, me who has seen numerous name changes, restructures, program upgrades and flew through them all with ease.  Me who gave up many Christmas holidays, New Year’s Eve parties and public holidays to work.  Me who the gurus would ring to bounce stuff off or to “pick my brains” as they knew I would know, me who was flat out all day every day.   Yes, indeed, ME!   I am not sure which emotion listed as top billing, let’s say I high tailed it out of there and down for a countery at the local to take the edge off.

I recently read a story online about a kindergarten teacher giving up her career for twerking, I am neither a kindergarten teacher, nor a twerker, but food for thought, is this my time to do a 180 and do something random?   Everyone has an opinion on what I should do, I am thankful for their suggestions, however, I NEED A BREAK!  When indeed I am ready to join the working masses, I will again hit you up for your suggestions.  I have a feeling after reading my blog for 12 months you may decide I am not fit for human interaction.   😉

Several years ago I became quit ill with some dodgy unknown virus which sat me on my arse for a while.   I have never fully recovered as I returned to work far too early as the pressure was on to get my work done and I had little employer support.  I am annoyed with myself now for making this decision as I really should have taken the time out for me to work on my health.  I believe I will take this forced life change and take a well earned break, time to get fit and get healthy, mentally and physically.

I am trying to be the better person in all of this, trying to be sensible and not speak badly of multinational companies who think if they have a policy on their wall about their corporate social responsibilities their job is done but in actual fact they don’t practice what they preach.  I have to admit however, I enjoy the fact that it isn’t quite working for them since my departure.  It seems they needed me more than I needed them, this kinda makes me all warm and fuzzy inside and I am sure this internal glow will continue for some time to come.

Today is really the first “working” day I have not had to wake up to an alarm, it was a rather unusual feeling, one I think I could totally get used to.   So here I go,,,,,fitness trail, cleaning frenzy, home DIY, new hobby or even back to bed.  I’m EXCITED!

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“Race that stops a nation”

Here in Australia we have a horse race that turns everyone into Percy Punter, and gives them an excuse to dress to the nines just to get totally smashed and end up shoe less and useless by the end of the day.  I went searching for hot tips online to invest my hard earned dollars on and found this.

This is just too good not to share, BRILLIANT!



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