TBT – Halloween

It seems the perfect time of the year to throw this one back.  Tomorrow IS Halloween.

Being a country West Australian, it was never anything we celebrated in the 70’s, 80’or 90’s.  I guess us kids roamed the streets making menaces of ourselves 365 days a year scabbing food off people and getting up to no good?  My sceptical self is guessing it’s all a marketing scam now as to why suddenly in the past 5 years we seem to be celebrating this.  The big supermarkets have pages of so called specials in their current catalogues enticing us to celebrate.  I did see Halloween Lindt balls, seriously, who the hell is going to buy some kids you don’t know or like lindt balls?  I don’t even want to buy the cheap nasty crap and give it away to trick or treaters, I’d be more the type to lecture them on their daily sugar intake and stats on childhood obesity.   Listen to myself, what a bitch, is there a Halloween equivalent to the Grinch?

However, I never turn down an excuse to play dress ups, one of my favourite pastimes.  Last Halloween I was invited to a friend’s party, I went ” Día de Muertos” style and I believe it was before the cool kids jumped on board!  I had never tried it before and kinda wished I had a practice run before the date as I wasn’t completely happy with it, but was fun all the same.  I learnt not all theatre makeup is created equal, you get what you pay for and give yourself twice as long as you had planned to get ready.   I am a little reluctant to show the results due to my high expectations on my makeup, but as this blog is all about improving oneself and life experiences, I’ll let you see.

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We are missing out on it this year however as we are seeing a bunch of aging British rockers, I guess a few of them look kinda scary?  Let’s hope we don’t return to a house covered in dunny paper!

I am curious though, have you ever celebrated in Australia and if so how do you?

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4 thoughts on “TBT – Halloween

  1. We have celebrated it since moving to WA (Fleur’s family in Gero got us hooked), but did not really bother in Queensland. This year Eden the Vegan went as a punk Cheshire cat … but of course being a vegan, there is a whole bag of loot collected that I have to now sadly eat!

  2. Like you as a kid NO , And I used to feel so ripped off Halloween is so much fun and why shouldn’t pagan festivities be celebrated with equal enthusiasm ? I had trick or treaters this year , Next Year Miss P & I are going to get in on the action after all who could refuse my Miss P 😉

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